At LITTLE EXTRA, we strive to provide our valued customers with the highest quality beauty and personal care products. We understand that sometimes circumstances may arise where a return or refund is necessary. To ensure a smooth and transparent process, we have established the following return and refund policy for our products:
Orders, once dispatched, are not eligible for cancellation.
Due to the nature of the products, we regret to inform you that returns are not accepted. This policy is in place due to the hygiene, health, personal care, wellness, and consumable nature of the products.
Under which circumstances can I request a return or replacement for my product?
In the rare event that you receive a
– damaged or defective product or
– a wrong product or
– expired product
kindly send us an email at or contact us via this link within 24 hours of receiving your order. Please include images of the product, invoice, and inner and outer packaging. We kindly ask for your patience as we require 24-48 hours to respond to your request.
Once verified, we will offer a replacement, exchange, or refund, depending on your preference and product availability.
To be eligible for a return, the product must be unopened, unused, and in its original packaging.
Once you initiate a return request for a product, we will arrange for a pickup of the item. Our courier partners will schedule the pickup within 5-7 business days from the time we receive your return request. The item will be transported back to our warehouse, where our quality control team will carefully inspect it. Upon successful completion of the quality control check, we will initiate the refund process.
We value your satisfaction and aim to address any concerns or issues promptly. If you have any further questions or require assistance regarding returns or refunds, please contact our customer support team via this link.